Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My dogs are sissies.

My knees have been bothering me as of late. My right knee one day, left the next, but only while running. So, even though earlier this week I planned on running today, and taking tomorrow off, I’m taking today off. The training guide I’m using has today off and intervals tomorrow, but I play hockey tomorrow and have a meeting at work that will keep me later than I’m accustomed to on a Thursday. But, I don’t think it would be wise to take three days off before my first race, so I’ll try and fit a short set in someplace in my day. I could wake up at like 2:30am and get a morning run in. That would give me an hour and a half less sleep, and hopefully let me be rested enough for hockey at 9:00.

I have to call my step-dad and decline his invitation to join him for a half-marathon on May 5th. It’s the inaugural half in Prairie du Chien, WI. I think I could run that far by then, but not recover for my last A league game the next morning. Also, I don’t think I want to try a half until I can finish in less than two hours. Maybe it’s a bad thing to set standards like that for myself?

The baby has been moving a lot lately, so I’m told. I’ve felt him/her move before, but yesterday my wife said she could see her belly being pushed out during her workday. Then at night, the baby calmed down, so I just talked to him/her. I learned, and humored my wife, that yet to be born babies can’t be scared into jumping.

At least my dogs are calm. The male is afraid of the snow, so he doesn’t want to run today either.

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