Saturday, March 17, 2007

(opening to Time by Pink Floyd)

I really wanted to run Friday after open hockey, but my better judgment prevailed. I figured that after almost three hours of hockey in just over 12 hours, my legs could use a break.

While resting Friday evening, I decided to try for seven miles Saturday morning. Most of my run today felt good. At any given moment, I couldn’t tell you how fast I’m going, but it seems to work out to the same 10 minute mile easy pace. On my easy days that is.

It was even a productive run with a stop at the local hockey shop to pick up some laces. Around the six mile mark, my shins began to hurt just below my knees. This may have been psychosomatic(sp?) considering I’d just read the Runner’s World review of my shoes. To me, the review says I’m too light for a stiff shoe, and I had it in my head already that I’d like a new pair. I haven’t spent any indulgence money since my upcoming parenthood was announced, but bonuses were just handed out at work. Tonight, my knees are still a bit sore, but got better after an icing.

After my run and an errand or two, our nephew spent the day with us on a spur of the moment call by his mother. He’s not quite two, and doesn’t talk yet, but you can still read his emotions. It was discovered that he likes our dogs better when his mom isn’t around, death metal can put a baby to sleep (he liked The Ocean), and my time will be given away freely to my kid when he/she arrives. I’ve known my time would be more in demand when that day comes, but having our nephew around put it very much into perspective for me. I can’t wait. Hence the title of this evenings post.

I still need to relace my skates for my game tomorrow, and doubt I’ll be getting new shoes any time soon.

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